The man found six small bald puppies in the forest. Care and love made them real beauties

The man found six small bald puppies in the forest. Care and love made them real beauties

 The man found six small bald puppies in the forest. Care and love made them real beauties

One cold December morning, a man was walking through the woods and found six small bald puppies. The poor things looked terrible and huddled together to keep warm. The man took the puppies to a local shelter in Alabama. Veterinarians were shocked by the condition of their new patients and could not even identify the breed. They assumed they were Cocker Spaniels, but how wrong they were!

A passionate passer-by brought six bald puppies to an Alabama shelter

The staff of the shelter immediately began to treat them. The babies had practically no hair, and the skin was cracked and began to peel off.

Veterinarians suggested that they were dogs of a small breed

The kids were cured of scabies and were sent to foster families, where they continued to be nursed

Puppies began to recover little by little and grow furry. The new owners continued to perform the healing procedures and feed them. They were actively gaining weight and after a while it became clear that these were not cocker spaniels.

Veterinarians could not tell exactly what breed these handsome men were, and did a DNA test

They turned out to be purebred puppies of the Pyrenean mountain dog

Dogs of this breed are impressive in size and have excellent herding skills.

New owners showed how puppies have grown in just a couple of months

Now it’s hard to believe that they were little bald puppies

Now they are beautiful, active and very happy. All this thanks to a caring passer-by, shelter specialists and caring owners.

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