What a handsome man! What does a Britney Spears boy look like now?

What a handsome man! What does a Britney Spears boy look like now?

 What a handsome man! What does a Britney Spears boy look like now?

The 39-year-old star rarely spoils fans with pictures of her grown sons. However, the other day Britney made an exception by showing photos of her matured eldest son.

15-year-old Sean has already overtaken the star mom in height. Spears fans were quick to discuss the beautiful photo in the comments. «Wow, what a pretty», «Growing up pop prince»,

“Charming guy”, “He looks like a mother”, “And, in my opinion, there is nothing from the mother”, “Britney did not take place as a parent”, “She has a difficult fate”, “Cute boys”,

“He has a direct road to Hollywood,” netizens wrote. What are you saying? How fast time flies, right?

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