What the kids of famous movie characters would look like if they’d had them?

 What the kids of famous movie characters would look like if they’d had them?

People like soap operas and sagas because they fall in love with the characters and begin to empathize and live their lives  with them.

Screenwriters do not always “allow” babies for movie heroes, but what prevents us from thinking of such an option?

Daughter of Rachel and Ross from Friends

Daughter of Jack and Rosie from Titanic

Hermione &  Ron’s kid

Johnny and Tiny’s baby from Dirty Dancing

Wonder Woman gave birth

The Big Bang Theory characters continuation .

Turner’s baby and Elizabeth Swann from the Pirates of the Caribbean

Union of Jim and Pam from The Office

Spiderman and Gwen Stacy’s baby

Sebastian and Mia from «La La Land» also succeeded

The natural result of the love of Jon Snow and Daenerys

Dominic and Letty from «Furious 9» also got a baby

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