What is the last wish of animals before death

What is the last wish of animals before death

 What is the last wish of animals before death

Veterinarians have revealed the heartbreaking truth about animals. It all started when
the vet was asked what the most difficult part of his job was.
He replied that the most difficult thing is to see how the animals miserably look for their
owners during euthanasia.

The fact is that 90% of owners do not want to be in the room. They go out so as not to
see their pet die. But they don’t know that it really needs them.
The vet has urged people on Facebook to stay close to animals until the very end, no
matter how difficult it is, not to leave them. It is harsh for them die in a room with a
stranger in a place they don’t like.

It is very painful for veterinarians to watch how pets in the last minutes of life cannot
find their owner. They don’t understand why he left them. They needed his consolation.
Veterinarians do their best to ensure that the animals are not so scared. But they are
completely strangers to them.

So endure this pain for the sake of your favorites and be with them to the end.

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