Volunteers conducted a rescue operation at the kennel and rescued 108 abused dogs

The Puppy Mill is one of the worst places for a dog. It is here that our beloved canine friends are kept in dirty cramped wire cages. In such a place, dogs do not receive their basic needs. The owners of the puppy factory do not offer clean water and healthy food. They won’t even bother getting these unfortunate dogs checked out by the vet.
So when the rescue organization learned of an upcoming breeder auction involving 108 puppies, they had to plan for the rescue. Their mission is to save these poor dogs from being sold to puppy manufacturers.
After surgery, neglected and abused puppies finally have a bright future in their homes forever.
Poor puppies in an overcrowded wire cage.
A cruel breeder tried to auction these cute puppies to puppy manufacturers.
Most dogs have had infections leading to deafness and blindness.
Many of them had feces all over their bodies.
Operation Cavalier Rescue has raised funds for a mission to purchase puppies at an auction coming up soon. They were looking for help from people.
In just 11 days, they raised over $200,000.
There will be an operation soon.
Finally, the puppies will be saved.
Their main task was not to leave a single gentleman behind. And they were successful.
The dogs were tested, bathed, and cleaned before they were sent to their homes permanently.
Many volunteer veterinarians helped the puppies recover.