Three years after the loss of the dog, the woman finally found him in an unexpected way

The caring woman Lucy Fraustro was the owner of an incredible pit bull Dodger. From his little age it was evident for the woman that he was special and somehow peculiar. He had a large white head and a big smile in his face. And this made him look more adorable and charming.
But something unfortunate happened for the woman who loved her pet extremely much. Once she went out to feed her lovely animal when she found out he was missing. Dodger was lost.
Lucy instantly started to search for him everywhere using flyers and announcements. He even visited all the near shelters but all in vain. She couldn’t find him and was devastated. But she never gave up the hope of seeing him again.
After 3 years something unexpected and fantastic happened. The woman was watcheing a TV show which was focused on finding shelters for dogs. And what was the amazing! Lucy saw her pet who was named Butler. She didn’t believe in her eyes, she was literally shocked! And what did she have to do? Immediately rush to the shelter where Dodger was.
At the shelter, Dodgder (Butler) was respected and adored by everyone. Lucy couldn’t help her tears when meeting her sweet creature.
Dodger recognized his lovely owner and left the shelter joyfully. At home, he was confused at first, but then got adapted to his past life when he was the lovely memeber of the cute family. And Lucy was overjoyed. Everything was like in a fairy tale!