This Thumbelina girl, who will always stay the size of a doll, is really wonderful

This Thumbelina girl, who will always stay the size of a doll, is really wonderful

 This Thumbelina girl, who will always stay the size of a doll, is really wonderful

Many people have never even heard of microcephalic osteodysplastic type II primary dwarfism. In simple terms, this is a particularly complex version of dwarfism, in which the body does not grow at all. Abigail Lee was unfortunate enough to be born with such a genetic disorder.

At the moment, Abigail is already two years old, but her weight is almost like that of a baby — only 4 kg, instead of the prescribed 20-30 kg. The baby is completely healthy, she eats well, plays and develops, but does not grow. She is like a doll for her older sister who is 6 years old.

Abigail wears baby clothes and eats at a doll’s table.

Unfortunately, medicine does not yet cure this type of dwarfism, but we hope that scientists will come up with something in the future.

Abigail will be able to walk, perhaps with difficulty. She will be able to study and live a long and happy life, unless, of course, all conditions are created for this. But she will never grow up. We hope she will fortunate and happy in the future.

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