This sick and emaciated dog was taken away from negligent owners. And now you can envy his fur coat

This sick and emaciated dog was taken away from negligent owners. And now you can envy his fur coat

 This sick and emaciated dog was taken away from negligent owners. And now you can envy his fur coat

In October 2018, employees at a Mississippi dog shelter rescued several tormented animals from negligent owners. One of them was an Alaskan Malamute named Odin. His breed was not immediately identified because of his terrible appearance.

The dog was immediately taken to the veterinarian, and a temporary owner was found who was supposed to shelter the poor man until he recovered. Thus began the change from an emaciated creature to a fluffy handsome man.

The dog suffered from a skin infection due to which he completely lost his hair. Odin also had many wounds, problems with his teeth and diseases of the internal organs.

His temporary mistress was Sidney Shelkopf, who took Odin to her house. Sydney said that at first Odin lay in one place and did not know what to do next.

After some time, the dog began to grow hair, and the wounds were healed. The woman continued treatment, and the pet looked prettier in front of her eyes.

He gained weight and grew thick hair. It’s hard to believe that this handsome man was once a sick and emaciated goner.

Sydney fell in love with Odin so much that she could not give him away and left him with her.

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