This four-pawed "groom" made a wedding photoshoot go viral

This four-pawed «groom» made a wedding photoshoot go viral

 This four-pawed «groom» made a wedding photoshoot go viral

How to make a typical photoshoot unforgettable? Ask Kristen Dupree and her dog!

Before the wedding, 24-year-old Kristen and her husband were having a so-called “First Look” photo session, when the bride and groom see each other for the first time before the ceremony. To calm down, she asked to bring her beloved black Labrador retriever. Zeke, as he is called, totally stole the show and made the set indelible.

Zeke and Kristen looked perfect in the frame due to the contrasting outfits.

Of course, the happy dog would play occasionally.

But everything went well.

We can see the beautiful shots thanks to Perry Farlow, the photographer. She made an excellent job portraying the love between the woman and her hefty dog.

Usually, newlyweds do not allow their pets to the ceremony, but this couple did not regret their decision.

Everyone was happy: the couple, the photographer, Zeke… And, we assume, everyone who was lucky to see the shots.

We wish everyone to have an emotional support buddy like Zeke!

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