This big-hearted cat adopted squirrels

This big-hearted cat adopted squirrels

 This big-hearted cat adopted squirrels

We have already shared several beautiful stories of animals that adopt kids from other species. This time, a cat became a proud mother of squirrels.

In the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Park of Miniatures, people usually come to look at the exhibition «Crimea in miniature in the palm of your hand», where the sights of the Crimea are presented on a scale of 1:25. But now their zoo became a center of attention.

The zoo is small, and there lived animals like piglets, goats, chickens, and peacocks. One day, the staff were chopping down old trees, and in one of them, they found small squirrels that were abandoned by their mother.

The workers were at a loss as to what to do with them, when one of the employees had the idea to show them to a cat, Murka. She was a nursing mother, so there was a chance she would accept them.

And she did!

Squirrels grew very fast and began to play with kittens. This story instantly made Murka a celebrity. Crowds of visitors poured into the park. Now queues were lining up to see the kind cat and all her children.

The Park director, Viktor Zhilenko, promised that the squirrels would be looked after by workers and most likely stay in the park. What delightful news!

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