This adopted dog is afraid of everyone and everything, until one night with his new brother changes everything

Dogs are some of the most loving animals on planet. But they don’t always receive the same amount of love in return.
Meet Hedgie, a dog who grew up in a dysfunctional family. He spent bulk of his puppyhood tied to a pole without attention.
So, he developed a trauma that left him terribly anxious and fearful.
Even when he was taken into a loving family, he still experienced constant anxiety.
In his new home he still often had to hide under tables. The only one who could help him and whom the dog ultimately decided to trust was the family’s son, Mason.
Mason knew that only by establishing a strong bond with the dog could he help him. He decided to take the easy way out and let Hedgie sleep in the same bed with him.
And it worked!
After a few nights of close companionship, Hedgie was transformed. He stopped hiding from everyone, and he and Mason became best friends.
Shortly he began to have health problems.
He wasn’t able to eat, so the family decided to take him to the vet. The dog was diagnosed with megaesophagus.
This is a kind of swelling of the esophagus that leads to difficulty eating. The vets suggested either intensive treatment with constant monitoring or euthanasia.
The family, of course, was against euthanasia. Despite the challenges, the family devoted all of their free time to looking after Hedgie.
Luckily, Hedgie is now in good hands and has a good future and a long life with a caring family.