The young man woke up and found a cat napping on his hand

The young man woke up and found a cat napping on his hand

 The young man woke up and found a cat napping on his hand

Once a guy named Ali decided to go out his garden and enjoy the lovely weather. Then he fall asleep. And when he woke up a lovely scene had been waited for him. The tiny cat was sitting on his hand and purring him softly. The guy hadn’t had a pet before so it was pleasurable and nice for him to find this little cutie.

The kitten was looking at him miserably and it was evident that she was hungry. So the guy gave her some food. Then he decided to take her in for bath which was accepted with satisfaction. Ali was attracted with her and thought about adopting her.

He called the tiny kitten Angel and took her to vet. It turned out that she didn’t have a chip, so didn’t have owner.

As a result Ali gained a furry friend and the minute Angel had a worm house and caring master. She adored sitting on her owner’s hands, playing with him. And the loving man stroked her gently and got pleasure to spend the time with her.

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