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The wonderful lady devoted her life to helping and caring for the orphaned baby elephants

There are many kind-hearted people who always help and take the stray animals and look after them. Everyone thinks about a dog or cat when the case is about adopting a pet. But what about elephants? Dou you imagine of taking them as pets? It is really hard and challenging.
But this woman was truely a heroine as she took a great responsibility to adopt baby elephants and care for them. She devoted her whole life to those who needed help. The amazing lady Daphne Sheldrick had always dreamed of being with animals. And her wish came true at her very young age when she and her husband started to look after orphaned baby elephants helping them to recover and overcome their fears against poaching. There were poor babies whose mothers were killed because of hunting. And the helpless creatures needed a lot of love and maternal care. So the couple had a mission to be withh them, support and give them affection and warmth.
When Daphne’s husband died she decided to do something for his honour and established David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust where all the orphaned elephants got the proper nurishment, mental and emotional assitance. The workers treated them with great love and devotion which was a real support and important factor for their normal development.
The goal was to rehabilitate the needed creatures and help them to overcome their difficulties. The center was a warm and protected place for them to feel happy and respected. And the clever animals also respond the woman and her great staff with huge dedication and affection.
The woman unfortunately died in 2018 but her center continues to act with the same enthusiasm keeping her legacy alive. We all thank the wonderful lady for her valuable work and all the energy she put in assisting these amazing animals.