«La ragazza artificiale più bella d’Austria»: com’era prima della sua trasformazione?
The woman saved the poor dog who seemed to end his life in a busy traffic
Once in a muggy morning a woman named Joyci was going to work when she noticed a poor dog suffering from hunger and thirst. He was so skeletal and weak, with bacterial infections. He was standing in the busy traffic as if he wanted to end his life.
At that time Joyci firmly decided to help him and not to leave him there alone. The dog called Ojitos was taken to a shelter where he was being treated by the caring woman and her friend. Curing the needed dog was easy, but the hard thing was the people’s looks which showed disgust and thought of how these women could touch such a creature.
But the two rescuers were determined. After 3 months healing the miserable animal went from the shelter as a playful, active and handsome man.
His charm and enthusiasm motivates the others around him.