The woman met a sweet dog staring to the sea constantly
Once Jolie Mejia and her family went to a seaside near their home in Peru. It was there that they learned a touching story about a pets love and devotion towards his owner.
Every day they noticed a dog who would sit on the beach and stare at the ocean. Jolie approached him and caressed him softly. The dog loved it but was focused on the ocean every time.
He seemed not to be a stray one or abandoned. He had a ribbon on his neck and was clear and soft. It was interesting for Jolie to find out why he acted like that. So she asked a local man walking there about this mysterious animal.
The reason, the man told, was astonishing. The dog’s owner was a fisherman and he died some times ago. Since then the faithful dog was coming to the shore and gazing at the sea waiting for his lovely master.
The woman was touched deeply. It was really heartbreaking story. Though his friend wouldn’t return, he hoped to see him again and so went there every day and stared at the distance with a great longing.
Peoole in that area knew his story pretty well and cared about the poor dog. He was fed and nursed with huge attention and love.
Soon Jolie had to leave the place. But she would never forget the adorable dog and the moving story about his loyalty and devotion.