The woman gave birth to absolutely identical triplets, which she herself hardly distinguishes

It is extremely rare fact to give birth to absolutely identical triplets but the 26 years old woman Katie Crow was fortunate.
She and her husband found out that they were waiting 3 children at once for a period of 12 weeks. But no one imagined how alike these children would be to each other. Typically, triplets are two fertilized eggs. After conception, one egg continues to grow, and the other is divided into 2 parts and twins are obtained. As a result of this behavior of eggs, children are not very similar.
But Katie had absolutely identical children. These triplets are called monozygotic because at the time of conception, only one fertilized egg is produced and after that it divides into three parts.
On February 9, Tommy, Joshua and Eddie were born. But everything wasn’t so easy, each kid had to make name tags, as they look so similar to each other.
When the woman knew that she was pregnant with triplets, she was somehow concerned that it would be really hard for them to raise the babies. But she feels great now. The boys are truely adorable and stunning. Everything happens for a reason!