The woman finds her dog after 20 months of desperate search

Cameron’s cherished pet, named Temper went missing very mysteriously. The devastated owner was searching for him everywhere she could, but it was all useless. Temper was a very small and lovely puppy, when she first met him.
The name Temper Fidel means “always loyal,” which fits the dog’s personality perfectly. He was a devoted and loving pet and Semper was always dreaming about a pet like this. All was perfect until 2016, when the dog went missing.
Cameron needed to go back to California, but she couldn’t bring her husky along with her. She had no choice but to leave him with her friend. Soon later, she got a call from her friend with bad news: her puppy had gone missing.
Cameron was devastated. She went back to her living place and started her search — she tried all the possible and impossible options to locate the missing dog, including posting online notices.
After a while she heard that some woman had appended her name to Temper’s chip in April 2016 and the puppy had a $200 price tag on it and put up for sale. It’s been all arranged by her ex room – mate..Though upset with this story, Cameron was thrilled to see her dog alive again. Their hug was heart melting.