The woman adopted a judgmental Chihuahua who transformed her life

Tracy was always an animal lover and attached to her pets. She had a favorite amongst them, Tina – the little Chihuahua. They would spend every spare minute of the day together.
If Tracy was gone for 30 seconds, the Chihuahua would jump across the room of joy when seeing her owner return. Tracy got close with Tina recently, after she lost her beloved dog. The little chihuahua was extremely helping Tracy to overcome her grief of those days.
In addition to Tina, Tracey also had German Shepherd and Labrador. The day Tina met Tracy, she was sitting in her little bed, with her paws crossed, and she just squinted at her new owner. It sounded as if she was judging her. Tracy fell in love with Tina at once. She would carry her in her arms all along the way while she was driving home. Tina got along with the two dogs at once.
And Tracy would speak to Tina about her previous dog a lot.
Tracy was a singer and a songwriter and Tina would lay on her lap while she was playing music. This was heartwarming for Tracy as her previous dog would do the same thing.
Tina has been in the family for around 3 years now. She loved going on rides and could rat non-stop. Tina would make everyone laugh with her antics and her personality.