The vet saved a tiny hedgehog, and it changed his whole life

The vet saved a tiny hedgehog, and it changed his whole life

 The vet saved a tiny hedgehog, and it changed his whole life

An Italian named Massimo Vacchetta dreamed about being a veterinarian when he was a child. He was eager to help exactly wild animals, because those at home have someone to count on.
Massimo believed he was a loser, although his profession was perfect for him, he earned not enough to live and help his relatives. This everything led the man to a deep sorrow. But when the little weak hedgehog was brought to the clinic, he found himself again.

The little animal weighed only 25 grams and the man decided that he would fight for his life. So the strong  friendship between a man and a hedgehog, who really needed each other, began. Helping the animal, the man seemed to save himself.

It was a girl and he named her Ninna. For a few weeks he gave her food, nurtured and entertained her. He did not go away from her for a minute. Such care and love did a real miracle.

Ninna passed her time with the man and every day she became vigorous and fine. He even took her to see the sea. During the time, the animal could recognize Massimo’s voice and even reacted when calling her name.

But the departure was to come. As an expert physician, Massimo realized that it would be difficult for a wild animal to be with a human. When Ninna was completely recuperated, the man took her to the sanctuary for wild animals, where they can stay in their natural territory. Now Ninna was not only in a good condition, but also free.

Ninna was a stimulus for Massimo to find his future. He established a sanctuary where wild animals felt protected but lived in the forest at the same time.

Eventually realizing his mission, Massimo, felt himself to be an important and cheerful person.

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