The tourist did everything to save the abandoned dog

The poor abandoned dog Indy was wandering around the hotel in the mountainous area in Romania. No one paid attention to this tiny and miserable animal. She was tortured and weak from the freezing weather.
Luckily, one of the tourists spotted her in the snow and decided to help her. He began to feed Indy and brought her a box and soft blanket to warm her up. Sadly, the man couldn’t adopt her as he had other pets but he solved not to leave the hotel untill he found a way to save the wonderful canine.
He contacted with the «Howl of a Dog» animal shelter and the team arrived immediately. It was really hard for them to catch the dog. Finally, the tourist could gain her trust and take her to the car. Indy realized that she was protected and in good hands.
First of all, they took the sweet creature to vet where she was examined fully. Fortunately, she had no serious health problems. Then Indy was transported to the shelter. There she was living comfortably and felt at easy. But she was still scared and confused. She didn’t know how to socialize with other animals. She didn’t play with toys as she hadn’t seen them in her life.
Now Indy is adopted by a loving family and has found forever home in USA.