The tiny lion cub, who was extremely weak and exhausted, was saved and gained a second chance to live properly

The poor and lonely tiny lion was found in Idyllwild in US by the firemen who were wandering in the forest. They heard her weak and faint cries calling her mother but she was no where in the area. The kind workers found her in an exhausted and terrible state. She was motionless and breathing hardly.
The big-hearted men couldn’t be indifferent and they immediately took the miserable baby to the Department of Public Health of Fish and Game where he got the proper examination and care.
The specialists stated that the little cub was 14 weeks old. She seemed so helpless and feable and needed proper care and love. She was malnourished and shaking constantly. The workers had to do something to help her. They gave her all the treatment and nourishment to get strength and grow normally.
And after 5 weeks the expected result was visible. The lion made her impressive scream typical to her powerful nature. For the staff, it was the sign of gaining energy and force. And they were really hapoy to see the lovely animal recovered and healthy.
Now the infant is growing normally and makes some scary appearances as a powerful Lion. She is kept in a cage and is under the care of the staff who treat her with great love and attention.