The sweet squirrel every day visits the man who saved her

Once Tyler Gregory found a weak and tiny creature in his property after a huge storm. It was a little squirrel that was blown far away from her nest and mother because of thunderstorm. So the man decided to take care of this helpless sweet animal. But he was not sure she would survive. She was so minute and poor and needed a proper care.
Tyler and his girlfriend began to feed the tiny squirrel and nurse her. They named her Annie. They were very attentive and careful towards her. She was living in a little cage and as she was growing her enclosure was expanding as well. She needed more space for being free and her master did his best for her.
After some time Gregory brought Annie on trips outside and the sweet animal could crawl on the grass and learn to take flying leaps from the trees. She liked to stroll around the back of the house but she always returned to her favorite man. Annie also loved to have fun with her dog friend playing together with him.
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When Annie climed the tree for the first time it was a signal for the man to get her free as she was already a grown squirrel. So Gregory thought about opening the cage and let her go forest. It was difficult for the couple and they were nervous but they had to do that as Annie was getting wild with her growing age.
Gregory opened the door of the enclouser and the nice animal went the near woods. The departure was really hard for them both but it would more comfortable for the cute animal to be in the wild.
But a surprise was waiting for the couple. The next day Annie visited them and they were extremely joyful. She walked up on the Gregory’s shoulder and welcomed them happily. It was a great pleasure for the man to see his little baby didn’t forget them. And this ritual cotinued every day. Just a wonderful thing!