The sweet gift from a rescued rabbit

After adopting a rabbit, the family could not even imagine that there was another surprise from the fluffy pet awaiting.
The rabbit was named Turbo the Great and Terrible, however none of the family members expected this from their funny pet.
Turbo was known as a nice girl, and her owners were spoiling her the best way they could. They knew that attention was very important for the pet, because the previous owners abandoned her, and she was suffering alone for a long time. The new home has been a lifesaver for her, as the pet shelter could not provide the necessary attention and care to her.
Almost immediately after Turbo got into her new home, she started building a den and the very next morning she became a mother of 5 adorable babies. The owners did not expect that they would have not one, but six pets at once and were not ready for this development.
Confused and surprised, the family approached the shelter about the situation they faced, but they were assured there that no one knew about the pregnancy. She was not sterilized, but it never occurred to anyone that Turbo was waiting for babies.
However, the shelter agreed to take the babies after Turbo stops feeding them. But they were not going to sterilize them, so the family decided to approach another institution.
As it turned out, veterinary services for rabbits are very expensive. The family admitted that some of them are so expensive that not everyone could afford it. Sometimes the amounts for sterilization were abnormally high.
Still, the family did not give up. They went around the vets until they found the one who agreed to help. Further, Turbo’s family approached all interested people asking to help with collecting the funds necessary for sterilization. Finally, after a few days, the money was raised and the rabbits were sterilized.
Two of them were even already adopted by their new families.
Having gone through such experience, the owners of the rabbit keep on reminding everyone about the importance of pet sterilization in time and by qualified experts.