The sweet dog brought happiness to the woman who needed it much

The kind woman had said goodbye to her 14 years old lovely pet and was desperate untill a miracle happened to her. After some weeks of losing the sweet Lela she suddenly encountered a stray dog who really changed her life. She was driving a car when the nice little canine crossed the road unexpectedly and the woman stopped the car to look for the scared dog. And when she saw him she fell in love with him at first sight. Their meeting was fateful for the both. As the woman’s heart was broken she didn’t want to leave the poor dog there.
Seeing the woman, the nice animal immediately sprang to her hands as if begging for help. So the kind lady couldn’t be indifferent and decided to take her. They went to the vet and it became clear that the cute animal surprisingly didn’t have any health problems. He wasn’t microchiped and so the woman’s efforts to find his owner were in vain. He was a gift for her from God to heal her heart.
She named the 3 years old puppy Stitch. When she cut his hair she noticed a huge similiarity with her former dog Lela. She was touched and even began to cry hugging Stitch. The moment was really heartbreaking. Now the loving woman takes care of the sweet animal and thanks to him for bringing a lot of joy to her life. She truely appreciates him and loves and gets such devotion and affection in respond.