The sweet cat has found an incredible friend for him

Here is an adorable cat named Ace who looks strange and peculiar for many people.
He lost one of his eyes because of a serious infection during the time he was wandering in the streets. And so he seems so scary and frightening for the one whom he meets.
Ace’s mistress states that her adorable pet is considered to be strange and terrifying for people and they never want to approach him. But he is really wonderful.
Despite his such an imperfection there is one caring human who loves him and always comes to see him. As Ace enjoys to relax on the porch of the house, this mysterious one visits him there and plays with him happily.
It is his lovable little boy who passes by Ace’s house when he is going to school and stopps there to greet his adorable friend and to have some fun with him.
And the lovely cat also runs to meet his human companion and hugs him softly. This unusual pet has a nice and faithful one with whom he feels comforted and loved. It is incredible how they treat each other.
The amazing cat loves people and some understanding ones respond him in the same way.