The sorrowful dog became best friend with the rat

The sorrowful dog became best friend with the rat

 The sorrowful dog became best friend with the rat

Here is the German Shepherd named Osiris and the tiny rat named Riff. They are lovely and indivisible friends.

The rat saved from death when he was only 4 weeks old.

And Osiris was a rescue dog and helped Riff to regain his health.

Actually the dog wa to stay in the house for several days but the family memebers got in love with him and decided to keep him.

So the dog was welcomed with warmth by a tiny rat despite their sizes.

The amazing pair is now inseparable. They spend the whole time together. Their love and faithfulness is wonderful.

In fact, the family was afraid that the animals couldn’t get alog with each other, but they are so close.

Osiris even allowes the little Riff to clean his teeth.

This couple is really fantastic.

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