The Reunion Of A Man And His Little Friend Gorilla After 5 Years

The Reunion Of A Man And His Little Friend Gorilla After 5 Years

 The Reunion Of A Man And His Little Friend Gorilla After 5 Years

John Damian Androcles Aspinall is known for his unique love of animals. He is an English famous millionaire. He has different funds of animals, especially gorillas. He is a world-renowned environmentalist. The association plays an important role in the protection of gorilla species. Their task is to help the captured gorillas return to their natural environment by taking them from a wild animal park where they are bred and then sending them to an African reserve.

Mr. Aspinall has seen hundreds of gorillas but one will remain in his heart forever. The famous benefactor raised a small gorilla named Kwibi, since he was only a 6-year-old child. The little gorilla was later released in his native Gabon forests.


Years have passed since the last meeting between Aspinall and his little friend. So he decided to visit his old little friend. The man thought that the little gorilla would be bigger and stronger now, what would be the first reaction after all these years?

After a long search in the forest, they noticed Kwibi. Your heart will melt from that emotional encounter!

Just watch their reunion here:



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