The restaurant owner treats the stray dogs with free meal

The restaurant owner treats the stray dogs with free meal

 The restaurant owner treats the stray dogs with free meal

About 5 years ago a man named Gerardo Ortiz met an unexpected guest at his reasturant.

It was a stray dog who seemed to be sturving from hunger. And what the kind man could do if not suggest her food. The dog was patiently waiting untill the man was preparing a meal especially for her.

From that day it became a ritual. Every evening the poor dog came to the restaurant and Gerardo gave her food.

Soon more and more stray dogs learn about this kind act and visited him to receive their piece of meal. Gerardo’s gentle did was spread through that area and everyone appreciated his good will.

More animals now come with the first visitor and the man feeds them all with great love and care. He welcomes them with tasty meals.

Some of the pups are regular «clients» and others are new comers. They are sure that they will find a cosy nook and enjoy the free and delicious food prepared by the warm-hearted man.

Gerardo states that it is enogh for him that these stray animals are fed and happy wagging their tails. It is their way to show their gratitude. And it is the most pleasurable thing he expect from them.

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