The respected police dog got is final honour from the officers during his last walk

K9 dogs are really appreciative and invaluable part of the police. They are always there ready to act and help their human co-workers to save lives and protect their community.
They are respected and loved by whole staff for their devoted work. And when the time comes they deserve a perfect farewell.
It was in the case of this adorable K9 who got his last honour form all the staff who worked with him. The hero was to be euthanized and on that sorrowful day everyone was there to salute him.
Tommy was an incredible German Shepherd who was a faithful and devoted dog to his handler, officer Berger, and the two did their job the best. Tommy had 5 years career and acomolished all his tasks.
Unfortunately, Tommy was diagnozed with an aggressive form of cancer and had to be euthanized. It was a difficult decision for Berger but he had nothing else to do.
So the fantastic dog got his final send-off from his collegues. All the workers in Ohio came there to salute their wonderful fellow during his final walk.
Maybe it was the most emotional and devastating moment for Tommy and others who will always remember him as a perfect worker. Rest in peace, Tommy, your job will remain priceless.