The rejected tiger cub was saved from the circus and completely recovered

The rejected tiger cub was saved from the circus and completely recovered

 The rejected tiger cub was saved from the circus and completely recovered

Vicky Keahey, founder of Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center, found Aasha, a weak tiger cub in the unrevealed way. She seemed to be ill and miserable.

It was evident that she had a poor diet as she weighed only 30 pounds despite her age. She was 9 months old but so feeble and little.

It became clear that the tiny beast was a member of travelling circus. She was living together with a bigger tiger and was forbidden to eat something. In addition she got skin infection. So her condition was miserable and terrifying.

Vicky decided to take her and look after her attentively. She isolated her and nursed herself. She fed her and gave the proper medicine.

After a few weeks the little animal felt better. However the sweet tiger needs a long time cure to recover fully. And the woman patiently does her best to make her feel healthy and fine.

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