La ragazza che sognava il naso perfetto: il risultato della sua rinoplastica è sorprendente!
The poor lion was rescued from the worst zoo in the world and now is nursed well

About 3 years ago the pics of the huge lion named Bob were spread on the Internet. They were really heartbreaking as they showed how miserbale was the lion’s state. He was in awful conditions in the world’s worst zoo in Albania.
Bob was just treated inhumanely. He was skeletal and weak. He was left without food and any nurishment and he even walked hardly. So just imagine how sorroful and helpless he was there.
But soon everything was changed. He was transported to Felida Big Cat Sanctuary where the staff was worried about his health and poor state. But due to the intensive care and attention, the adorable lion recovered and gained strength.
Though he was confused and calm at first when he appeared in the shelter he began to feel much better. As he realized that he is well cared and protected he filled with joy and happiness. He really deserved it.