The poor goose was always standing in the same place where he last saw his mate

A very touching story happened in Toronto about a lonely goose who turned to be the same place every day where he was with his mate for the last time. He was seen in the area of a shopping center where his pair was hit by a car and died.
Since that time the poor goose has returned there and waited on the rooftop of the shop for his adorable spouse. He was hopeful to see her again. He made the place a mourning spot for himself. He looked distressed and sorrowful wandering around all the time. The painful scene has broken everyone’s heart for weeks.
It was evident that the miserable goose was devastated and was suffering a lot. He only would leave the place for finding something to eat. And then he immediately returned for the wish to meet his love again.
The staff of the shop and other kind people are patiently wiating for the sweet creature to overcome his tragedy and find a new loving partner for him. We hope he will soon gain his strenght and return to a normal life.