The poor dog was found in the attic locked and alone
Once the woman named Lassell got a call from her sister-in-law and was told that a sad case occured. The woman wanted to clean their whole house and found a dog in their attic locked and completely in a terrible state.
The dog was so thin and weak. He was starving from hunger and they didn’t know how much he had been there in such a horrible state.
Lassel decided to take the dog without hesitating. She brought him her house and began to care about him. She cleaned him, fed and warmed him. After that she took him to vet and it became clear that the poor creature had broken his leg and needed a surgery. But in spite of the pain the dog spread love and happines. He was so nice and was always smiling everyone.
Lassell adored him from the first time. She named him Remi. She nursed him with great warmth and affection. And soon the skeletal pet became a handsome man. He gained his health and strength.
Now he lives with the woman’s family where he is best friends with her 4 kids and fellow dog. They are always together. They play, sleep and have fun with each other. Remi loves the kids much and spend the whole time with them.
Remi and his fellow pet are the respected members of the whole family. They complete them and create a warm and loving atmosphere.