The missing dog returned home with a note calling him a hero

The missing dog returned home with a note calling him a hero

 The missing dog returned home with a note calling him a hero

The dog Louie was living in a farmhouse. He would rather spend time throughout the house than roam along the neighborhood.

Once he vanished from sight for a long time and masters concerned about where he could be. But it was shocking that some hours later the dog arrived back home with a note in his neck. It was written in it: “Louie is the hero of the day. He led me to Maddy in distress stuck under a branch pile. Cheers, Rob.”

Rob was a neighbor whose dog Maddy passed from the sight too. After searching a long time he arrived back home, but Louie demanded Rob to go behind him. And he brought him exactly there where the little fellow was. Unfortunately the dog was stacked in the shrubs and Louie helped Rob to drag her out from there.

Louie was exhausted after saving his fellow and refused to eat and drink when returning home. Owners felt anxiety noticing his weakness.

But everything went back to usual when Rob solved to go to see his neighbors with Maddy and present appreciation them. Meeting is friend the dog got active and joyful.

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