The man saved this dog from being put to sleep and the dog is now constantly grateful to him

When Shanley Hutson Kirk saw a photo of a dog named Gregory on the list for sleep at Franklin County Shelter (Ohio), she realized that something needed to be done.
A beagle dog was found on the street in a little shabby, but generally in good condition. Most likely, Gregory was once a pet, but either lost or his owner kicked him out. The dog did not have a chip, and the worm test gave a positive result, so the dog still had to be treated before looking for a new owner.
However, Gregory’s treatment would have cost the district shelter $400 and therefore the dog was given a deadline, during which Gregory had to find money or owner, and then he would have been put to sleep if he had not been helped.
Putting the dog to sleep was scheduled for May 3, and this announcement was posted at the end of April, that is, potential saviors had very little time left.
Fortunately for Gregory, his photo and story were noticed by Shenley Hutson Kirk and immediately told her husband Joe about the dog. Shanley and Joe are the founders of a small private shelter for hound dogs. They immediately decided to take Gregory to their place and the dog seemed to realize that these people had come to save him from death. Gregory smiled broadly when he met Joe in his cage.
«My husband Joe specifically took a day off at work to go to that shelter to get a dog. And on the way back, he took some photos with a dog sitting with him in the front seat. And judging by these pictures, the dog was sincerely grateful to Joe for his salvation.»
Joe hooked Gregory by the leash in the back seat of the car, but the dog stretched out for the entire length of the leash and wanted to sit next to the man’s shoulder, gently touching his paw. And then he rubbed his face against his shoulder so gently and sincerely that at the sight of this spectacle, the heart of even a very callous person would melt.
«Little Gregory seemed to say to Joe, «I know you saved me from death today. I should have died in the shelter soon if it wasn’t for you.» There was a whole range of feelings in his eyes, from gratitude to love.»
Now Gregory is happy to rest in Kirk’s house and never ceases to enjoy life. According to the spouses, the dog is very affectionate and completely homely, and also well-mannered.
Now Gregory is undergoing a course of antibiotics, and after him his thorough treatment for worms will begin.