The man helps the Ukrainian family to find a safe place and Do not leave their dog homeless

The man helps the Ukrainian family to find a safe place and Do not leave their dog homeless

 The man helps the Ukrainian family to find a safe place and Do not leave their dog homeless

Aaron Jackson has the skill to be in the right place at the right time.

The founder of the charity organization, as soon as he saw that help was needed, flew to the border of the Poland-Ukraine on the very first flight. “I was following the news, the development of events, when everything was just beginning,” Jackson told. “He saw a story about these refugees living at the train station, and about two hours after reading that story, he bought a plane ticket and flew that day.”

Jackson did not expect to help families with animals, but when he arrived, he realized that the family needed to be kept together.
Jackson said that more than two million people have fled Ukraine, most of them are moving to Poland, and finding housing is becoming increasingly difficult, especially in places where animals are not allowed to stay.

Jackson and his team worked to find refugees who had pets and needed long-term

shelter. And days after he again appeared at the right place at a right time!

Jackson stopped at a local pet shelter A beautiful cockerel named Bella was walking with a leash.

Jackson spoke to the shelter manager and learned that they were homeless refugees and did not want to leave the dog outside so they were willing to leave it there.
In 30 minutes, Jackson was able to create a home with pet-friendly conditions. Everyone was filled with joy, including Bella, who kept moving her tail.

“It was a wonderful moment”, said Jackson.

The charity donates pet food to major refugee centers near the border. He wanted people and pets to have healthy food after long hardships.
“And if a man wants to do it for his dog, I will never be the one that will urge him to get rid of the animal.’ «I will do my best to take them with their pets, especially since they have already given so much.”

Thanks to Jackson for doing the possible and the impossible!

And indeed pets are family, too!

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