The lovely shelter cat has an incredible mustache in her face and looks wonderful

A kind family found the stray cat Pavlova and took their home to care for her. The poor cat was so confused and didn’t let anyone approach her. But the family members fell in love with her and wanted to do the best to make comfort for her. But they worried about her health and so they took her to a shelter for being well cared and nurishment.
And when Pavlova was brought to the center she immediately grasped the attention of the staff. Her peculiarity was the amazing black mustache on her white face which highlighted her beauty. She has a gorgeous white furr with black marks which makes her look wonderful.
Although Pavlova’s mustache draws a great attention she is still shy and it is hard to make her comfortable and at ease. It took a lot of time for the staff to get her adapted with them and iher new surroundings. So she needs a patient family to wait for her to feel protected and peacefull gradually. She is kind animal and she deserves to be happy and fine.