The lovely dog chose the right people to be her family

It is a fact that some people encounter us to change our life or have a great influence on us. It is the same for animals. They can cross our roads and feel our life with incredible emotions. Here is a such wonderful story about a lovely dog who chose to change the nice family’s lifstyle.
Martina Russo and her husband were driving through a Spanish countryside when they sunddenly noticed a dog was running behind their car. The sweet puppy was following them and first it seemed that it was just a game. But the naughty animal continued to run and not to stop.
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Feeling that the poor dog needed something the couple stopped the car and gave her some water. Then she clung to them and didn’t want to be parted. They brought her to the villange and were searching for her owner but no one saw her before. The pair took her back to the place where they found her thinking she might find her way home and go back. But the stubborn animal didn’t want to leave them and followed them again untill they took her to the car.
Martina and her partner took her to the vet and it became clear that she was 1 years old, her fur was overgrown. She might be abandoned and lonely for a long time. The kind pair continued to look for her owners posting her pics on Internet but no one reacted. So they finally decided to adopt her and named her Moxie.
Now the beloved pet is a respected member of the family. She is lively, active and full of energy. She loves to drive with her parents and go on adventures with them. She always makes the couple smile and be happy. They adore their cute animal who is so devoted and friendly to them.
Moxie has rightly knew whom to follow and choose to ber her family. She really gained all she needed.