The little puppy was born deaf and blind. But he grew up and helped others

The little puppy was born deaf and blind. But he grew up and helped others

 The little puppy was born deaf and blind. But he grew up and helped others

The tiny dog named Piglet was born in an extraordinary way and was different from others of his breed. He was pink and deaf and blind as well. But these barriers couldn’t stop him to find a loving family and communicate with different people and pets.

Piglet’s parents had spotted colours. But the little baby had an unusual gene due to which he owned a peculiar pink colouring. And in addition it caused deafness and blindness.

The little cutie was living in hard condition but saved by animal rights activists.

At that time he weighed only 680 gram.

The temporary owners admired him and decided to adopt him.

Piglet likes to be hugged and play with other dogs.

The pet became the star in one of the schools in Massachusetts.

His story is told in classes and pupils are taught about the pet’s positive behavior that helped him to overcome all the hardships. He is a good sample for them to value the compassion and acceptance the others.

Piglet assists other pets as well. The money gathered from the sale of the cloths with his pictures is send to charity for them.

The famous dog goes to different conferences and meetings.

He has a great mission to represents people about the hard results of crossbreeding. And the lovely pet also encourages and stimulates to adopt animals with special needs.

The touching story of Piglet learns to struggle and overcome all the obstacles in life.

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