The little kittens were born with a rare defect but it doesn’t bother them to feel happy and active

Meet these two wonderful little creatures Frog and Newt — two sweet kittens born with a rare anomaly. They are without hind legs.
Though they have such a disabilty, they have adapted to walk and move properly on their front legs with the help of their tails maintaining their balance.
These tiny peculiar creatures were born in Liverpool (UK). Their owner wanted to search for a new caring family for the two so he posted their pics on Internet in the hope of finding such warm and loving one who would be able to look after them.
And so his hopes gave him a successful result. Volunteers from Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary saw the pictures, and decided to take the kittens without hesitating and care for them by their own hands.
Since then, Frog and Newt have been living in the shelter, where vets have observed their abnormality and stated that they didn’t met such kind of rare cats know cats in the UK before them. This was a unique case. It is supposed that their peculiarity is a result of inbreeding, which means that their parents were close relatives.
But their such condition doesn’t bother them to be sporty and active. They stroll and run, and even jump on the sofa easily.
Now the sweet creatures and their demeanor are under a strong attention. It is assumed that they will stay in the shelter in case of thay can’t find a forever home. And as they drow older thay might have need special strollers to move as their weight can bother them to move normally. We hope they will be strong enough to continue their difficult way of life and will be happy.