The little dog’s unusual appearance made people feel troubled

Here is Junebug who is a sweet dog with an unusual appearance.
Recently, the pics of this peculiar dog were spread on the Internet. And when you look at her you simply get afraid. She seems to stare at you in an intense expression. And some people were commenting that they had never seen such a frightening scene. But actually Junebug is a kind and sweet dog.
Her owner Tim states that the lovely pet is like an agel. She adores people and everyone who meets her falls in love with her from the very begining. He also explains that they have a privacy fence in their yard and when their nice dog wants to see the other side of the fence, they pick her up and let her look around.
The family didn’t intend the pics go viral and for people to think she was scary. They really love and appreciate their cute dog who is the respected member of the family.