Susan Sarandon, 78 anni, criticata per il suo outfit: la sua risposta perfetta!
The kind pianist plays classical music for the wonderful rescued elephants

The music is an inspiring and pacifying treatment for our heart and mind. And not only humans but also animals get a huge satisfaction and peace listening to it. So a creative idea came to pianist Paul Barton’s mind to play the piano for the rescued elephants in Thailand.
The kind man who is a great animal lover decided to perform for his beloved audience. And the elephants get thrilled being with their lovely man and listening to his classical music. One of them named Mongkol, a senior elephant is the most faithful listener. He always approaches and stands next to the man while he is playing.
The nice animal really gets pleasure with Paul. They have a strong connection. The staff is also amazed how adorable they are together. And the other animals loves their human companion as well. Paul has a special relationships with them all. He adores playing for his beloved animals and give them some happiness and tranquility.
Everyone appreciates the touching act of the good-natured pianist who gives a music therapy to all the sweet elephants who had a stressful past and now feel calm and joyful with their wonderful friend.