The kind-hearted boy left his dog in the park with a touching note to save his life

There can often be really hard cases when we have to make difficult decisions, but this is always justified if it is for a good purpose. Here is a touching story happened in Mexico, where Mascotas Coyoacán, an organization helping abandoned and homeless animals to find homes, got a call about a dog tied to a bench in the park. When they arrived at the place, they found a scared dog that was lying there. The poor creature got aggressive when the rescuers tried to approach him.
There was a note next to him written by a child who had to act like that for his adorable dog Max as he was constantly abused by his parents. The sweet boy was so desperate to come to that conclusion but he had no way to save his lovely pet. He left the note for the kind person to take his sweet animal. There was written: «Hello, please pick me up, I’m Max. Please, I ask you to take my dog and care for him. It is really difficult for me to leave him here but I think it will be much more comfortable for him to find a new owner than be mistreated by my parents and suffer in awful condition. If you are reading this and your heart is touched, please take him and look after him. If not, please let others read and pick up the dog. Thanks.»
Soon the employees of the organization understood that Max’s such an aggressive behavior was the result of his fear. It was truely hard for them to move Max from his place. Max soon relaxed, but was afraid of everyone there. His rescuers took a walk with him so that he would get comfortable and begin to treat them more trustingly.
The head of the organization Marcela decided to call him Boston because the helpless guy only associated the name Max with sorrowful things.
The rescuers managed to find a garage for Boston to sleep in until they could search for a warmer place for him as they didn’t have their own shelter.
The team made a proper nook and took him there softly. The woman began to pet him, so he relaxed and trusted her. Then in the garage, when Marcela moved to the floor, he laid down against her legs. The woman realized that he became comforted and relied on her. After a week Boston began to feel rested and lovely with his new surroundings. He realized that they wouldn’t harm him and were so caring to him.
Now Boston is still looking for his caring home. He lives in a beautiful house with 14 other dogs. Boston adores his foster owner and feels happy with them. Every day they enjoy walking and playing together. We really hope this wonderful creature will soon find his forever family.