The homeless man was considered to be a real hero after saving 16 animals

The homeless man was considered to be a real hero after saving 16 animals

 The homeless man was considered to be a real hero after saving 16 animals

There are people who are in terrible conditions and need help. It might be predicted that they can be so cruel and envious and so some of them really are. But there are also the ones that are kind and devoted despite all the difficulties in their life.

Such an adorable person saved 16 animals from the fire. The man named Keith Walker, who was homeless since 13 years old, noticed the fire in an animal shelter when he was walking with his pit bull and rushed for help. He frimly knew that he had to act and immediately entered there without hesitating. He managed to rescue 6 dogs and 10 cats from the burning shelter.

Althought the firefighters came and did their job perfectly the center was useful after all. It turned out that the fire broke out because of the electrical problem.

The founder of the shelter stated that she was so grateful to Keith for his brave act. They had called the rescue but he rushed there and took out the animals. He was a real «guardian angel» for the woman. Everyone were delighted about the man’s courageous act.

Fortunatelly, the shelter was going to relocate a few weeks later and the animals had the place to live. So the staff did all the preparations for moving their new area. And there were kind people who assisted them by giving food and other supplies.

So thanks to this good-natured person the animals are safe and protected. His did is worth of appreciation.

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