The heroic mother cat did her best to save the kitenns’ life

Maternal love is the most incredible thing in the world. The loving mother wish all the best for their children and do everything for them even risk their lives to help them.
So one of them was Minka, an amazing cat, who endangered her life to save her kittens from the fire. As she was a stray cat, she was living in the barn with her little babies and kept the food there. And once when the baby kittens wanted to take something to eat from the barn it suddenly burnt and they stayed there.
And what else if to save them form the burning! The heroine mother immediately rushed there and risking her life took out them from the fire. Minka got many injuries and wounds. She was left with serious burns in her stomach, paws and ears. Sje was also suffering from smoke inhalation.
Unfortunately, only one of the kittens survived. They immdeiately were taken to the animal rescue center where they got the proper care for recovery by the vets. The staff has been giving Minka the needed treatment for burns and performing x-rays for cheking the damage of smoke inhalation in her lungs. So now Minka is making a huge progress and getting better. Her baby also receives all the care she needs.
Soon they will find their caring and loving families and will live protected and safe.