The hero dog saved her owner’s life with her incredible did

Dogs amaze us every time with their brave and decoted actions. They have proved numerous times that they are really faithful animals. Our hero German Shepherd is one of them who did incredible act by saving her owner from drowning.
The wonderful animal was noticed by fishermen who so her swimming continually around a floating item. The poor creature made great efforts to tread water more than 11 hours and finally someone noticed her. It was their chanse to live.
The kind people immediately called the police and they did their best to rescue the sweet animal and her drowning owner. They pulled out the exhausted dog and took her to vet. Then they found the master who was trying to climb the sunken boat. He stated that his boat lost the power and began to sink gradually. Then the two were separated and the courageous canine swimmed more than 11 hours to be noticed and so saved her beloved man.
Thankfully, both the owner and his loyal dog were healthy and had no injuries. They were alive due to the devoted and brave dog who did everything impossible for them two.