The guy could not return the lost labrador through social networks, so went out into the street with a dog and a sign

The guy could not return the lost labrador through social networks, so went out into the street with a dog and a sign

 The guy could not return the lost labrador through social networks, so went out into the street with a dog and a sign

It is impossible to be indifferent from dog eyes, especially if the caudate is in a difficult position. The American Jason Gasparik, who unexpectedly stumbled upon a lost labrador, now knows about this. Jason decided by all means to find her mistress, but he was running out of time — he found the dog on Friday evening, and on Monday the guy had to leave town for work. So he wanted to get the pet home as soon as possible.

In order to find the owner of the Labrador, Jason took her to the vet. The dog turned out to be chipped, but its number was not registered, so in this way Jason could not find the owner.

At the second stage of the search, Jason acted like any inhabitant of the 21st century — he wrote about his find on Facebook. Though the dog was scared she immediately jumped onto the bed, climbed on top of the man and began to lick his face. She was very happy, but it was clear that she was also confused.

There was less and less time to find the owner, and Jason decided on the old-school way.

He made a plate from a metal stick and cardboard with two inscriptions: Do you know this dog? I found this dog. Do you know her? Help her come home! And went with the dog to the place where he found the labrador.

Passers-by approached them and asked if they needed to help them with food and water, but the guy needed only one thing from people — to repost his note on Facebook.

On Sunday, Jason returned to the same place, and the day was lucky. A woman wrote Jason that she found a man named Ed, and he was looking for his dog a few kilometers from the place. And when the labrador girl met him, she immediately recognized her master!

Ed brought all the documents he needed, and they matched dog’s chip number. So thestory ended well for Ed and the cute animal!

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