The filter in FaceApp makes the face in the photo thick and vice versa. And this is what the stars would look like if they gained 20 kg

The filter in FaceApp makes the face in the photo thick and vice versa. And this is what the stars would look like if they gained 20 kg

 The filter in FaceApp makes the face in the photo thick and vice versa. And this is what the stars would look like if they gained 20 kg

Various applications for changing appearance often spoil us with their updates. All those who at one time hurried to find out what it’s like to be older, younger, more beautiful and much more, are now trying the new FaceApp filter with might and main.

This time, the application decided to let people know what they would look like if they added a couple of tens of kilograms. And we decided to show you how the filter works on your favorite faces, familiar to everyone. Look!

Robert Downey Jr.

Tom Holland

Jake Gyllenhaal

Millie Bobby Brown

Danila Transverse

Timothy Chalamet

Johnny Depp

Many stars themselves tried the new filter with pleasure and reacted with humor to the final picture. After all, we must admit that Weight Filter hardly changes photos for the better. That is why it is so important to look at him with humor!

Natalie Portman

Brad Pitt

Scarlett Johansson

Have you already tried the FaceApp Weight Filter?

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