The dog who was jealous of his new companion now is his best friend

The dog who was jealous of his new companion now is his best friend

 The dog who was jealous of his new companion now is his best friend

Michelle had a sweet Golden Retriever in her house who was the star of the whole family. Rex was the only one who got love and affection by all the members in the house. But one day they decided to adopt another pet. They brought Dalmatian puppy named Eiger.

Rex was interested. He was trying to learn who was the newcomer and what he would do in his place. He was literally jealous of Eiger. He didn’t want to accept new one next to him.

Michelle and the others were worried and didn’t know how to make them close. But Rex was stubborn. He was reluctant to play or share his toys with him. He didn’t love his new companion and didn’t socialize with him.

But as time passed, the envious dog started to befriend with his «enemy». They started to play, eat together. The huge firendship was created between them. It was really wonderful to follow how they are close and feel comfortable with each other. The family was amazed seeing the incredible bond between them. They were delighted about it.

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