The dog was overgrown with hair and could not walk. But veterinarians showed what beauty was hidden under the fur

The dog was overgrown with hair and could not walk. But veterinarians showed what beauty was hidden under the fur

 The dog was overgrown with hair and could not walk. But veterinarians showed what beauty was hidden under the fur

When looking at the veterinarian’s table, it is difficult to understand that this is a dog named Ellie- in such a neglected state it was. Her owner died and no one knew she had a dog. The workers who came to clean the house found Ellie and took her to the local branch of the Society for the Protection of Animals in a bag — the dog could not even walk on its own. But thanks to the efforts of the doctors, Ellie not only began to walk, but also became damn prettier!

Veterinarians were horrified by Ellie — this was the worst case in their practice

There was so much wool that veterinarians were worried about the dog’s health.

But Ellie was lucky — she only had 17-centimeter claws.

It took 3 workers an hour to cut the whole coat.

It turned out that 5-kilogram Ellie was wearing 4 kilograms of fur!

But Ellie’s rescue was not limited to one haircut. Veterinarians cured the infection and teeth, removed the hernia, and found Ellie’s arthritis and weakened muscles

And 5 hours after the haircut, she herself got up on her paws

After 2 weeks, Ellie is looking better than ever!

She loves to explore everything around, and also pleases everyone with her good-natured face and behavior. Ellie moves and appreciates the ability to walk, sniff, and explore.

So for such a beauty there will probably be found worthy owners.

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